Monday, December 2, 2013


End of Day 4...Nice.

You know how you never notice how many cars out there are the same make and model as yours?...until you buy it of course. Totally happened to me with my last car--the PT cruiser. Classic Meemaw wagon...except once I was driving one, I couldn't help notice that EVERYONE had a PT Cruiser--Meemaws, Gramps, teens, college kids, males and females...

Ok, really the PTC is besides the point. What I am getting at is I never noticed how bombarded we are with food here! I mean seriously, everywhere I turn I am smelling, seeing, touching or hearing FOOD (notice eating is not listed--that's because I still haven't had a solid since Turkey Day!). Food is on the offensive--TV, Radio, Billboards, storefronts, etc. and I feel like I am on the defensive trying to ward off these killer cravings!

It started with the mac n cheese I made my daughter...and then slowly crept up and up...I have a list nearly a mile long of things I would love to eat right now. Mac being dang near the first thing. I also really would like some Cooper's BBQ chicken, McD's fries, mom's meat loaf, hubby's ribs, Gram's cookies...not to mention the "leftovers casserole" I concocted tonight for the fam--turkey, stuffing, mac, and corn with a little mayo and shredded cheese mixed in (oh my, it looked friggin' scrumptious).

I have found myself drooling over the oddest things as I drive to and from daily errands...Like the run down Mexican food restaurant that all of a sudden looked like a gourmet  joint in my eyes. Or the "pizza style steak burger" that Freddy's Frozen Custard is advertising on their street sign...I swear that would have never sounded good to me 4 days ago--I really dont like meat on meat and I am thinking it has to have pepperonis on it, no?

One thing is know for sure is that when I am craving these things, I am not hungry, just addicted. Overly addicted to indulging in the fast and easy food life most of us are used to. I am learning very quickly that God doesn't want anything to have a hold of my life, health, thought, etc., aside from Him that is. He is making it clear that He desires to be my source of all provision. His word says "I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing" (John 15:5).... and I totally believe it, because without Him, I wouldn't have made it a day against food! Yet here I am on my way to a healthier mind, body, and soul--Praise be to The Lord!

Oh! almost forgot! I made a new jucie today--watermelon, cucumber limeade. It was de-lish! Also trying to make an event out of drinking dinner, so we can maintain eating together every night as a family--sooo important for kids to have a family meal each evening--check the statistics. I have kinda lost track of what I have spent on produce, mostly because I don't juice a certain amount of juicables, I kinda wing it. Tommorrow, I am going to try to track better by following some recipes from looking forward to exploring juicing with Jesus!

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