Saturday, December 14, 2013

I totally ate a cheese ball

Ok so I have been an absentee blogger, much apologies...

Time just totally gets away from me...what have I been up to during these past few juicey days? more like what haven't I been doing?!

First we will get to the good stuff, instead of making you read through this tantalizing post...On day One I weighed 150.5 pounds. On the morning of day 15 I weighed in at 137.1...nearly 14 lbs gone in 14 days! I am super thrilled but was really hoping for 136# by day 15. oh well beggers can't be choosers!

The juicing has been getting easier. I find a, hour about every other day or so and I juice my juiceables...then I basically drink that one concoction until its gone. On about day 12 I found myself either with no time to juice or just not hungry so all I did was water that day. I am still having a tough time even keeping up with the water drinking I should be doing. I get into a project and then I suddenly realize its been an hour or two since my last drink! I made a jalepeno, garlic tomato soup is yummy, but it only fools me into thinking I am eating for about a minute. Right now our home smells of homemade cilantro marinade, and fajitas on the fire. Soon it will smell of fresh homemade salsa... I could quite fasting just for chips and salsa!! Needless to say, cravings have NOT subsided...

Anyway...This week my major projects revolved around the Christmas Market my daughters school hosts. We get school and church families to donate handmade items and then during the week next week the kids come and shop for their family. I made 12 jars of BBQ Rub, 12 jars of Christmas Tea, and 8 play mats with little wooden cars I made from vinyl, felt and wood scraps from my favorite place--Hobby Lobby. I also managed to get in some sparkly cheer bows for ebay, and custom hangers that my daughter will give to her coaches, secret pals and cheer big sis tonight at their annual cheer holiday slumber party (totally feelin' for the coaches tonight--that's a crazy undertaking if you ask me--35 girls ages 5-13. C.R.A.Z.Y.).

oK SO ABOUT THE CHEESEBALL...It was totally one of those mommy moments...I had just purchased a jumbo bucket of cheeseballs from Target (my other fave place) for my kiddos...I don't think my son has ever had them till now! anyway...I was multitasking as I was driving...trying to keep our van on the road and open a jumbo bucket of cheeseballs. I grabbed a handful to put in my sons cupholder and as I pulled my hand out of the bucket one dropped in my lap. I don't really remember picking it up and putting it in my mouth. I just remember the sudden burst of texture and flavor--it was too late to spit so I had to swallow (that's what she said)...I must admit I couldn't decide if I felt guilty or if I felt ok with it since it was an accident. I prayed over it...weirdest prayer ever ..."Dear God, I am sorry I ate that cheeseball..." not sure how many times He has heard that one before.

That Cheeseball ...yummm...It was delicious, but the joy was fleeting. Kinda like the joy I felt last night at my daughters School Christmas program. She is allowed to participate because I stand firmly that the program and its songs come from the bible...this year they did have a story about a Christmas tree, but at the root of it (ha, I pun) the story was really about Gods love and our place with Him in eternity. Hearing away in the Manger sung by tiny voices and seeing everyone in their beautiful dresses and festive garb, just really filled my heart with joy. I about burst listening to First grade recite Luke 2:8-20. That is the story of the birth of Jesus. They say it so sweetly--all by heart. PRECIOUS. Anyway, I hate being the Debbie Downer, but it made me sad too...I wish I could bring that joyous feeling into my home, share it with my kids, so that they too could know the Joy that comes from celebrating during this season...really hard not to cry hearing my daddy sing silent night sitting next to me. Breaks my heart that my kids will never hear their daddy do the same...

But ultimately I must refocus for He is my refuge and strength, the true source of joy. He came, He served, and He died for me...

1 comment:

  1. Yeah for a post!! I am so happy you shared even with your crazy busy schedule!! So the cheeseball is not the end of the world!! Don't feel guilty!! It breaks my heart that your heart hurts with the Christmas time things. I wish you boys could hear their Daddy singing like you heard yours!! Maybe one day they will see its not so bad!! I love you!!
