Friday, December 20, 2013

Day 22 begins

So I begin this 3rd Friday--day 22 of my fast--by weighing my shock (and horror) I have only lost 2 lbs!! I kinda saw this coming because I had weighed myself earlier in the week and hadn't budged much since the last Friday's weigh in. So I started to do some research on what to do when you hit a plateau during a juice fast...a lot has to do with drinking enough water, I have to admit I probably slack in this department more then I realize because I get so caught up in my daily activities.

Another thing I am watching is my intake of veggies versus fruits. I would say I have been leaning more towards the fruits because they are tastier and easier to juice quickly for something tasty without having to juice a bunch of other stuff. So I have decided to do a mini fast within a fast...yesterday and today and possibly tomorrow I am drinking a ton of cucumber celery water. Then once that is done I am going to wind up the last 8-10 days on a juice recipe I found that has "fat busting" cabbage in it.

I am not delusional. I realize that the belly fat I put on with two back to back pregnancies is not just going to disappear over a 30 some odd day juice fast. but I am going to try to do the most with the time I have left to to try to jump start the fat loss. That being said I am taking up walking with the boys and hopefully will get a run or two in without them through out the week. The goal is to eventually get back to running. I felt super great when I was running. And I know The Lord wants me back into a habit of healthy exercise because he is preparing me to keep up with 2 very active little boys--the baby will be walking in no time and the 2 year old is the busiest EVER!

OK bonus time--I haven't lost weight this week, BUT I totally lost inches...unfortunately I didn't take measurements at the beginning since I am more of a weight focused person...but I can say proudly 3 weeks ago when I started this juice fast I was wearing a size 12 comfortably and a size 10 snugly. This week I was wearing a size 8 somewhat loose at the beginning,  and yesterday I wore a size 6 that fits fine with only a bit of muffin top baking around the waistline--which I know isn't going to disappear without some serious trimming--crunches and cardio here I come! The best part is I fit into my size 4 Abercrombie jeans, comfortably!! Albeit they are boy friend cut and button fly, but nothing makes you feel so good as fitting into something that says size 4 on the tag!

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